
2022-09-08 11:31:42 来源:吉格考试网

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1、Which of the following is NOT true?

  • A:There is no fish in the Dead Sea.
  • B:Different parts of the sea have different amount of salt.
  • C:The sea gets its salt from rivers.
  • D:Fish cannot live in the salty sea.

答 案:D

解 析:文章第三段最后一句话只是说“鱼在死海里不能生存”,并没有说鱼在所有含盐的海中都不能生存。

2、Who shared with the class a rock that floats?

  • A:Lisa.
  • B:Kara.
  • C:Justin.
  • D:Mark.

答 案:D

解 析:根据第六段可知,马克站了起来,分享了他最喜爱的石头——浮石。故本题选D。

3、Why didn’t I follow my wife’s advice?

  • A:Because I didn’t want to become a debt collector.
  • B:Because I agreed with the way Peter handled things.
  • C:Because I still had weak hopes for Peter.
  • D:Because I wanted to ask the police for help.

答 案:C

解 析:根据第五段第四、五句可知,这是一种罕见的美好,“我”仍然想让气球在空中,不管它开始看起来多么令人失望。“我”想相信我们还能互相信任。其中,“气球”类比“我”和皮特之间岌岌可危的信任。由此可以推断出,“我”没有采纳妻子的建议是因为即使“我”对皮特很失望,但是“我”仍然不愿意破坏这份美好,仍然对他抱有一丝信任和希望。


1、(Peter = P ; Sally = S) P:Hello! This is Peter speaking______51_______,please? S:I'm sorry. Professor Johnson is not here at the moment. This is his assistant ,Sally.______52______? P:Yes. Please tell the professor that I* d like to ask for sick leave for tomorrow. S: Sorry to hear that. May I ask______53_______with you? P: I'm running a fever. I've caught a cold. S:0h,________54_______? P:No, not very serious, but the doctor told me to stay in bed and have good rest. S:I see. I'll___55________as soon as he comes back. P:Thank you. Goodbye! S:Bye!

答 案:51.Can/May I speak to Professor Johnson 52.Is there anything I can do for you/Can I help you/Can I take a message 53.what5 s wrong/the matter 54.is it serious 55.tell him about it/let him know

2、提示:Henry和妻子准备请朋友吃饭。Henry打电话到餐厅预约,女服务员接听了电话。 ( Waitress = W ; Henry = H) W : Star Restaurant. 51__________? H : Yes. I' d like to book a table for dinner this evening. W : 52__________, please? H:My name is Henry James. W: 53__________? H : Four people. Can we have a table by the window, please? W : No problem, sir. 54__________? H : We' 11 arrive at 7: 30. W : All right, sir. I' ve taken everything down. H :Thank you very much. W: 55__________.

答 案:51.Can I help you 52.What' s your name/May l have your nane 53.How many people( are coming) 54.When/What time will you arrive 55.You' re welcome


答 案:What' s in the bag

解 析:What



答 案:What kind of fruit should I buy/do you like

2、第 (51)题答案为().

答 案:What’s your name


答 案:What time does it start


1、假设你是李华,你的笔友Tom想知道中国学生怎样过暑假。你写信告知你的暑期计划并询问他的安排。你的计划是: 与父母外出旅行; 2.看车展; 3.读一本英文小说(novel)。 注意:词数应为100左右 Dear Tom, June 1st ________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua ______________________________________  Looking forward to your reply.Yours,  Li Hua

答 案:One possible version: June 1st Dear Tom, Glad to have received your letter,in which you ask me about my plan for the coming summer vacation. Now let me tell you in details. At first,I will go on a five-day travel to Beijing with my parents. We will visit the Great Wall,Tiananmen Square,the Forbidden City and other famous places there. After that, I will attend a motor show with my best friend Wang Ming, who is a big fan for roadster. Besides,I’m going on to read an English novel which is by Jane Austin. How about you? What’s your plan for summer vacation? Looking forward to your reply. Yours, LiHua
